What is Espranor?

Espranor 8mg is a medication which contains a drug called buprenorphine. Espranor is prescribed for dependence on a group of substances called opioids, such as heroin and other related drugs, Buprenorphine oral lyophilisate, Buy Espranor 8mg online, Buy Espranor 2mg online, Buy Espranor 8mg tablet, Buy Espranor 8mg oral lyophilisate

How to take Espranor 2mg & 8mg – Buprenorphine oral lyophilisate

You will initially be started on a low dose which will be adjusted gradually to the right dose for you. It is important not to take other opioids during this time as this will cause you to experience some withdrawal symptoms. Most people feel happy they are on the correct dose within the first week of treatment.

Coming off (detox) Espranor

Once settled on a regular, stable dose of Espranor, your recovery worker will talk with you about the aims of your treatment, including how to reduce the dose and eventually come off treatment with Espranor.
Buprenorphine oral lyophilisate (Espranor®) is accepted for restricted use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: Substitution treatment for opioid drug dependence, within a framework of medical, social and psychological treatment.
SMC restriction: to patients in whom methadone is not suitable.
In patients who require supervised consumption of buprenorphine, the oral lyophilisate formulation has the advantage of a faster dissolution time compared to other available buprenorphine preparations.
Prescribers should be aware that buprenorphine preparations are not interchangeable.
Generic buprenorphine sublingual tablets are available at a lower cost.
This SMC advice takes account of the benefit of a Patient Access Scheme (PAS) that improves the cost-effectiveness of buprenorphine oral lyophilisate. This advice is contingent upon the continuing availability of the PAS in NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower. Substitution treatment for opioid drug dependence, within a framework of medical, social and psychological treatment.

Other notes about taking Espranor

You are more likely to succeed in staying off heroin if you have additional support and counselling, for example, community groups like Narcotics Anonymous, and support from family, friends and other people close to you.
Refrain from drinking alcohol or using drugs during your treatment.
You should inform the DVLA if you drive and are taking Espranor.
All drugs must be kept out of reach of children and animals. Please ask your worker for a lockable box to store your medication (free of charge). Children should never be given your medication. They have no tolerance and it could kill them. Always call 999 if you think a child has swallowed your medication.
Espranor may block the effects of certain painkillers.
Speak to your recovery worker or doctor if you experience side effects or symptoms and wish to stop treatment.
Read the information leaflet given with your medication

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